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Talk with Sales
    December 3, 2020

    Automated Guest and Employee Check-in Systems

    U-temp kiosk

    As we have worked with our clients this year, we have seen a pattern emerge related to COVID check-in processes. At any access point, team members are stationed with hand scanners checking temperatures, and then proceed with a paper-based COVID-19 questionnaire. 

    There are several challenges with this process:

    1. This method requires a valuable healthcare team member to staff each access point. This stresses facilities already understaffed.
    2. This process runs counter to CDC guidelines for social distancing as team members are using either a close-contact laser thermometer or a traditional thermometer. This increases the risk of COVID-19 exposure.
    3. The paper-based system creates a huge labor issue when contact tracing is needed. Team members spend hours looking through filed questionnaires to report on effected individuals and communicating the reports to health authorities.

    Driven by this need, UBEO began supporting automated check-in systems for our partners earlier this year. You may have seen simple solutions like this before and found they were not robust enough to meet your needs. The UBEO solution is different.

    UBEO supports thermal scanners is a stand-alone mode, but we found more client value in integrating automated questionnaires and badge printing into the system. These options complete the screening process from start to finish and is fully automated.

    Click here to watch a 3-minute informational video and view additional details here on ubeo.com.

    With the additional options included, the check-in process looks like this: 

    • The guest walks up to the kiosk and the kiosk instantly reads their temperature with no contact needed.
    • The kiosk will show a green indicator light if they are within the safe temperature zone and red if they are not.
    • The kiosk will print a badge for the guest to wear.
    • The guest will then be directed to scan a QR code which takes them directly to the COVID questionnaire.
    • The guest completes the questionnaire and can then completes the traditional check-in process at the receptionist desk if needed.

    This system can also be used for employee check-ins and can be customized to suit your organizations unique policies. For example, employees can be prompted to complete the COVID questionnaire at home instead of at the kiosk. In cases where the employee is directed to stay home, trigger notifications can be sent to HR and managers to quickly make staffing adjusts.

    Contact tracing is also greatly streamlined. Reports can be produced automatically when a hospital experiences a positive case saving hours of labor. The system is scalable by nature. Since it is automated, there is very little labor increase even as more contact tracing is required. This allows your staff to focus on what is most important; caring for patients.

    At the time of installation, the systems are fully configured by UBEO staff and are ready to use on day one.

    If you would like to learn more about Automated Check-in Systems from UBEO, watch our informative webinar here. You can also speak directly to a sales team member by completing the form here.

    Ronnie Hay

    Ronnie Hay is the Marketing Director for UBEO.

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