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Talk with Sales
    January 24, 2019

    Legacy Data Migration


    Medicine doctor hand working with modern computer interface as concept


    Many healthcare organizations are challenged when it comes to legacy data. The organization wants to move into a different ERM system, but the costs can be prohibitive. Many organizations have already moved to another platform but still have to maintain the old system for existing patient records. This can be a problem.

    This is a Problem

    Being locked down to your legacy provider creates some mobility problems, expensive operational costs, and limits your organizations options for growth in the future. The lock-in effect is a business strategy that many software platform employ to secure their customers. This is no different with ERM providers. Once the decision is made to make a change, the legacy provider is typically less than helpful in helping the organization transition to a competitor.

    If you have already moved into a new system, having to maintain an outdated EMR is both costly and inefficient. Maintain licensing, data storage space and user training all add to the challenges of maintaining an additional outdated ERM system.

    What is the way out?

    Leaders in this situation are facing a significant challenge that doesn't seem to have an easy solution. What can be done?

    A great option is to work with a third party data migration partner. UBEO provides a path to extract your existing data from your legacy ERM and eliminates the need to maintain your old ERM system. It's important to note that this data does not just include table data. Our solution mirrors the structure of any previous system and all file types including imaging files.

    UBEO has helped many healthcare organizations make this transition with virtually zero impact to staff work-flow and daily operations.

    You are not trapped

    The first step forward to to contact Eric Reed at UBEO. Eric has been an in the business technology industry for over 20 years. Most of his career has been focused on the healthcare space. Eric leverages the power of UBEO as a technology integrator brings together multiple platform and partners to help healthcare organization meet their unique challenges. Get in touch with Eric Reed at ereed@ubeo.com or reach Eric at 708-228-7866.

    UBEO is the preferred technology vendor for Torch and is endorsed by Torch Management Services, Inc.

    Ronnie Hay

    Ronnie Hay is the Marketing Director for UBEO.

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