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    May 24, 2023

    Ready to Digitize? When To Outsource Your Back-Filing Needs


    In today’s modern office environment, paper files are often hard to manage and impractical. Trying to find a specific form or send a document quickly is much harder when your files are primarily paper. Instead, many companies are changing over to digitized filing, creating virtual copies of their files in secure cloud-based storage systems that make it easy for their teams to organize and access data.

    But this leads to a problem: how can you get caught up on converting your existing files into digital format? For many companies, backfilescanning is a major project that could span years of files and include hundreds of thousands of pages. This article will look at how you can achieve digitization and why outsourcing your backfile scanning might be the right move for you.

    What is Backfile Scanning or Document Digitization?

    Backfile scanning is the process of converting paper-based records, archives, forms, plans, or other previously un-digitized documents into digital format. This process includes preparing paper-based files, scanning the files, determining file naming conventions, and establishing a consistent organization methodology. This results in digital files that can live on your network, cloud-based systems or an electronic document management system. 

    The purpose of back filing is to make files accessible, make data easier to manage, enable collaboration electronically, and preserve the records for a longer period of time.

    Backfile scanning for organizations often means converting large quantities of physical files into digital format. These important files might include HR documents, payroll records, accounting information, student records, client accounts, vendor records, estate paperwork, litigation documents, and wide-format facility plans. 

    Not sure why you should spend time on a backfilescanning project?
    Read this blog on reasons to convert your critical business files to digital documents.

    What Types of Organizations Benefit From Backfile Scanning?

    Organizations of all sizes and industries may need to digitize their physical records and documents. Some organizations face a more pressing need for backfile scans than others. Examples of organizations that may have an immediate need for back filing services could include:

    • Schools
    • Legal offices
    • Healthcare facilities
    • Small businesses
    • Mid-sized companies
    • Enterprises
    • Nonprofits
    • Government offices

    …and more!

    teachercopier-1For large backfile projects, it can be challenging to find the staff and equipment needed to scan data efficiently and with consistency. A lot of companies don't fully realize the time that is required for a successful project. Many start their back filing or digitizing project but end up getting bogged down in their day-to-day business focal points. Likewise, some try to accomplish digitization little by little, but their project tends to get pushed to the back burner and never gets done. 

    Organizations that want to digitize their files often choose to outsource the project to service providers that specialize in effectively scanning, indexing, and digitization of the records.

    There are two basic types of backfile strategies we typically see organizations follow:

    Catch-Up Back Filing

    Some clients have several filing cabinets full of papers. Some may be moving and need to digitize their files to support their transition. In these cases, organizations need an effective solution to catch up on their digitization.

    Other clients that use this service may just have an overwhelming amount of physical files that need to be converted into a consistent digital format for retention requirements and ease of access.

    Recurring Bulk Scanning Projects

    Some organizations digitize on a regular cadence. For example, schools often establish ongoing backfile scanning projects for student files and don’t digitalize until post-graduation.

    In these scenarios with ongoing needs, organizations may sometimes be interested in establishing a new process for digitizing their files going forward, and having a strategic plan to move forward with digitization, is a great place to start. 

    Why Some Organizations Choose To Outsource the Backfile Process for Document Digitalization

    Backfile scanning helps maintain and organize your critical records. When stored correctly, digital records take up less physical space, are securely stored, can be accessed from anywhere, and make it easier to recover information quickly. That being said, not every business has the resources, equipment, or expertise to effectively handle this task. This is why some organizations find that outsourcing backfile scanning is a more viable solution for their needs. 

    Outsourcing backfile scanning can help organizations save time and humanpower, which in turn allows them to stay focused on their core business activities.

    Quality Control

    One of the main benefits of outsourcing backfile scanning is having access to a team of experts with production equipment, vetted processes, and security in place to manage the project from beginning to end. Outsourcing through experts can save you time and money normally spent hiring additional staff, training them, acquiring the necessary equipment, and getting infrastructure in place. 

    An outsourcing company should have the resources and expertise to convert files in a consistent format with the right checks and balances in place to ensure the quality of the final product.

    Take your business processes from paper to digital with UBEO's document transformation services. Download the infographic now!
    Speed and Effectiveness

    Outsourcing can be a more efficient solution for businesses that are looking to digitize a large number of files in a short amount of time. A solid outsourcing company will assess your project and give you an accurate project timeline for completion. Many outsourcing organizations have a team of dedicated and trained professionals who work on the scanning process on a daily basis — which increases the turnaround time as compared to completing in-house.

    Flexible Parameters and Outcomes

    Outsourced scanning shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all solution. For businesses that need to keep their files on-premise, outsourcing companies can also offer in-house scanning services — though this is often more time-consuming and expensive. For companies that want to establish an ongoing cadence of scans, the outsourcing company should have a setup ready to meet that need. And for companies that want to get fully digitized with an efficient document management strategy in place, the outsourcing company should have the processes, software, and infrastructure in place to help get them started.

    Outsourcing backfile scanning can be a cost-effective and efficient solution for businesses that need to digitize their physical files. It provides businesses with access to a team of experts, as well as the right equipment, processes, and security to handle the project from beginning to end. Whether you need to keep your files on-premise or off-premise, outsourcing backfile scanning can help you save time, money, and resources, all while ensuring the quality and security of your critical business records.

    5 Signs You Need To Outsource Your Backfile Scanning Project

    doctransfer_crop-1Do you feel like getting caught up on your scanning job is just too much for your organization to handle? Handing off your backlog to a document scanning and management provider can help you streamline the process, improve accuracy, ensure security, and manage costs effectively. Here are five signs you may need to outsource this job to a qualified provider.

    You just don’t have the resources to complete a backfile digitization job.

    Back filing can be a time-consuming process that requires a significant amount of labor, equipment, and expertise. For example, who will handle the job? Typically, the setup alone includes removing staples, clips, and binding so the pages are ready to go.

    If you don’t have a surplus of employees, then your backfile scanning project is simply going to be put on hold — indefinitely. For organizations without the necessary resources, outsourcing can be a cost-effective solution that still results in a timely project completion date. 

    You are concerned about quality and accuracy.

    Is it okay if pages are missing or difficult to read? Of course not! Most organizations need clear files if they are going through the trouble of creating a digitized record. Back filing is a complex process that requires a high degree of quality control to ensure the files are scanned accurately and stored securely. 

    This isn’t a job just anyone (like your college intern) can do. Outsourcing provides a level of expertise and infrastructure that can help ensure that this process is done correctly.

    You need your high-volume scanning job done quickly.

    Outsourcing can provide significant efficiencies in terms of time and cost. This is because specialized backfile service providers have the personnel, equipment, and processes in place to handle large projects quickly and efficiently.

    You have concerns about data security.

    Back filing often involves sensitive information, and it is critical that this information is handled securely. Outsourcing to the right provider ensures a level of security that many businesses may not have in place, such as firewalls, encryption, and secure facilities.

    Additionally, not every employee is suited to see sensitive information you need to have scanned for your records. With an outsourced provider, the employees scanning the information don’t care about the contents — they only have one concern: to ensure each file is scanned accurately and saved properly for the project.

    You aren’t sure about what outcome works best for your organization.

    The last thing you want to do is get all of your files scanned and then find out you need a different format or don’t have an efficient organization system in place. However, there are a lot of options out there, and it takes time to sort through all of them!

    If you aren’t sure what outcome is best for you, then you can rely on a professional to help you consider the most viable options after assessing your business process. Whether you have specialty file types (like wide format) or have an unusual barrier impacting your project (like specific compliance requirements), the right outsourcing partner can help you find the solution that works best for you.

    How UBEO Helps Organizations With Backfile Needs

    Do you need to get your current filing system into optimized digital formats? UBEO can help. 

    We start with an in-depth assessment to understand what kinds of files you have and how they're stored. Are they organized by last name, first name, and social security number? Or are they by fiscal year and pay period? What's the physical structure? What’s the file type? Every organization is different. 

    Ubeo Stock Photoshoot_8_Crop-1You want everything consistently converted from beginning to end in the right format and naming conventions. We have expertise in the conversion of physical to digital. We have the people, processes, security, and equipment in place to complete a backfile scan job from beginning to end.

    In other words, we have the checks and balances — the quality control — needed for a successful backfile scanning job. 

    We manage your digitization project from the beginning of discovery to packing to prepping and pick up. We help with converting all the way to digital delivery, providing you with weekly updates until we are ready to give you files on DocuWare, Laserfiche, OnBase, Terrafile — however you want them delivered. And then, we provide a completion form that shows what the project consisted of as well as whether the files were returned or shredded after being held for a particular retention time.

    After the initial project, we can even help your team get set up with an efficient long-term digitization and document management strategy.

    If you’re ready to improve your filing, we can help. Talk to one of our specialists today to get your assessment rolling and learn about the options available for your backfile scanning project needs.

    Kristen Sparkes

    Kristen Sparkes is an expert in document management and business systems. Kristen helps her clients assess document workflow and creates solutions that generate long-term value by increasing operational efficiency and improving user experience.

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