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Talk with Sales
    March 18, 2021

    UBEO is Brand Agnostic and it matters

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    Being brand agnostic is a tremendous value we bring to our customers. UBEO has most of the major manufactures in the imaging space. In our other service lines, we support two or more providers. We are not locked down to a single product or solution in any market we serve. Why does this matter to you as a consumer of business technology? 

    In the printing space, UBEO carries Canon, Ricoh, Xerox, Konica Minolta, Lexmark, Kyocera and HP. We carry so many, I may have left one or two out of this list.  Almost all of these manufacturers will carry products that support each segment of the market.

    It is important to understand that in our industry, imaging devices are segmented by speed and functionality. A segment 2 multi-function unit can copy, print scan, and fax and will print up to 21 pages per minute (PPM). A segment 6 device is a high-volume unit that can handle several hundred thousand pages per month. Products in this segment can exceed 150 PPM. Most major manufacturers compete in each of these segments, but they all don't perform equally. 

    I won't comment as to which manufacturers perform well in each space in this article. Performance can vary from model to model and also varies based on applications. Some devices may be reliable printers, but weak in scanning while others might have a wide array of plug-n-play applications, but have more service issues. 

    UBEO has the pick of all of the best products from all of our different manufacturing partners. We choose the best performing products from every segment. We are not bound to support every segment from any one manufacturer. We employ a Best-in-Class strategy to support our clients. This means you, the customer, can be confident that our recommendations are based upon the best performing products, not based on the ONLY solution we are able to sell. 

    Most providers in our space are simply too small to meet minimum purchasing requirements to carry multiple brands. Since they can only carry one or maybe two brands, they are limited on the solutions they can provide. In other words, they are recommending a solution, not necessarily because it is the best, but because it is their ONLY option. 

    Another huge benefit to being brand agnostic is our philosophy regarding supporting systems such as OCR technology and document management. UBEO primarily sells supporting technology that is also brand agnostic. If a customer moves forward with any software solution that uses a closed system, meaning the solution only works with certain brands, the customer is limited to that product line for the future. If competing products innovate beyond the capabilities of the current tool, there is often significant pain and loss of investment if the customer wishes to make a change.  The customer experiences a lock-in effect and simply cannot take advantages of the advances in that space,  

    UBEO has built up the ability to carry multiple solutions partners because we have built a large organization with significant buying power. At this time of writing this article, we are operating in 8 states with 37 locations nationally. We can support clients in any state through our network of partners and are unique in our ability to support a multitude of integrated solutions. 

    When you are considering a partner for your business technology needs, consider how UBEO's brand-agnostic strategy can benefit your organization. 

    Ronnie Hay

    Ronnie Hay is the Marketing Director for UBEO.

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