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Talk with Sales

    We Take Care Of You


    We take care of you so you can take care of others. Healthcare has enough on its back. Our technology solutions lighten the load.

    Talk With Sales

    Key Services in Healthcare

    Beyond our core business process and document solutions, we have specialists who are experts in the healthcare space. UBEO offers solutions that solve challenges unique to the healthcare industry.


    Legacy Data Migration

    Many healthcare providers are upgrading EMR systems, but know the extraction of legacy data can be challenging.


    HIPAA Compliance

    HIPAA violations can cost healthcare providers up to $10,000 per violation. Your document systems are the #1 offender.


    Patient Intake and Billing

    Billing equals cashflow. Inefficient processes may be crippling yours.


    Information Accessibility

    Disconnected systems have no place in modern healthcare. Breaking down information silos is key for improved security.

    Our Net Promoter Score is 88% — and Growing.

    Good companies have a Net Promoter Score over 40%. Great companies can reach over 50%. Our score is 88% and we are not satisfied yet.

    System Up-Time

    System Up-Time

    No matter how good of a deal your system was, if it doesn’t work, you overpaid. Our systems just work as expected more than 99% of the time.

    First Call Fix-Rate

    First Call Fix-Rate

    We’re proud of our 94% first call fix rate.

    Remote Support

    Helpdesk Resolution

    Most providers have a $150 per hour call charge for IT related issues. Our IT help desk is built-in value, and resolves 34% of our service calls remotely with an average call time of 8 minutes.

    Client Retention

    Better Support, Period.

    Once your team has experienced the UBEO difference, you won’t settle for less.

    More Brands, More Choices.

    You know our recommended solutions are hand-selected for you from our fleet of offerings.

    What Happens During A BTA

    Our technology assessment provides a roadmap to help us author your solution.

    Talk to
    Our Experts

    Get started with UBEO — let us know what we can take off of your team so that you can successfully take on whatever comes your way.

    Talk With Sales