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Talk with Sales



    102 N Spur 63, Longview, TX 75601


    903.323-7600 Send an email


    Monday - Friday

    8:00am – 5:00pm

    Steve Nall - Sales Manager

    As the fastest growing independent dealer in the United States in our industry, Ubeo has continued to lead our industry in the design of a genuinely study-based and 100% Customer driven organization. Through the BTA process, Ubeo studies the goals and initiatives of an organization to align our brand- agnostic solutions to partner with all organizations in all verticals. Our rental agreements provide the lowest cost of ownership while giving the flexibility to stay proactive in your organization and make changes as needed. We hire only Master Technicians and measure our success based on our First Call Fix Rate. Systems we install and service have operating levels above 99% uptime.